ARMORED ARMADILLO TO ZIPPY ZEBRA: An Alliterative Anthology of Animals
Embark on a unique and whimsical safari adventure through the alphabet.
This fun and interactive approach, using creative alliteration and detailed illustrations, entertains and educates young children and early readers about real animals A-Z. Readers gain insight into the characteristics, habitats, diets, behavior, and families of both familiar and exotic animals. This imaginative adventure helps children have fun as they learn new animal inspired vocabulary and their meaning.
Play detective with the bonus “I Spy” feature in each illustration and look for objects that begin with the same letter. How many can you find?
6.5 X 9.5 60 pages
ISBN 978-0-69207947-8
Includes lesson ideas for classroom
And home school

The companion coloring book continues the A-Z animal theme while adding handwriting and spelling practice. Every page in the book has a corresponding coloring page where children can color the animal and objects and then trace their names.
8.5 X 11.5 26 pages
Magical, Mythical, and Mesmerizing
Seldom does a children's book come along with such compelling images and enticing alliterative language. Baker has cleverly incorporated a myriad of educational opportunities for vocabulary development, critical thinking, and speech/language improvement. Readers will spend hours searching for hidden objects as they learn about familiar and unfamiliar animals. This book is a unique, whimsical, and vibrant addition to the respected body of children's literature.
Ann Williamson Karaffa, Ph.D.
Inter-generational Sharing
The delightful pairing of text and art offers a unique twist on the tried-and-true alphabet book. Although some of the words are advanced, children can learn new vocabulary in context and from the colorful illustrations. A big bonus is the interactive game finding objects that begin with the same letter in the background of each illustration.This "play value" adds untold hours of fun between the children and adults who share it.As someone who has worked in the book industry for four decades, I can guarantee this book will offer fun and learning for all ages.
Charles Young
Author Visit
Carol Robinson Baker provided a wonderful learning experience for our students and staff. Her presentation was highly engaging and kept the attention of even our youngest learners. They absolutely loved all of her animals and couldn't believe that she was able to come up with a new animal for EACH letter. Our teachers were impressed by how much her writer's workshop presentation enhanced their alliteration unit and explored new vocabulary. I would highly recommend for any elementary school to invite Carol to visit.
Kristi Guinn
Digital Learning Coach
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